Modern Slavery can occur in many forms. For the purpose of this policy, modern slavery includes any act of slavery, servitude, bonded, forced or compulsory labour, child labour or human trafficking. All of these acts are conducted for either personal or commercial gain and result in the abuse and exploitation of an individual’s human rights.

The OD Agency remains committed to the eradication of modern slavery in all its forms and as a Company we do not engage in, nor do we condone or tolerate, any act of modern slavery within any aspect of our operations. As a Company we act transparently, ethically and with integrity both internally and across all of our business relationships. Appropriate action will be taken in response to any suspicion of or identified act of modern slavery. The processes and control measures we have in place in support of this policy, aim to prevent, in so far as we are able to, the opportunity for acts of modern slavery to arise. Our approach to preventing modern slavery, which includes communicating this policy and a series of control measures, is contained within our supporting procedures. As a minimum we will:

  1. Identify and prioritise which if any parts of our business and supply chain are at most risk of modern slavery so that we can focus on those areas.
  2. If there is suspicion of modern slavery or even a perceived risk with any supplier, assess and where necessary, remove any risk to ensure that modern slavery is not occurring within the supply chain.
  3. Through appropriate communication raise employee awareness of modern slavery. All employees, temporary workers, or subcontract employees, who work at any site or business location operated by The OD Agency will be required to conform fully to the requirements of this policy and its supporting procedures.

This policy will be reviewed annually, as a minimum, to ensure its continued effectiveness.

Little Twinkle Toes
Miranda Roos Photography
Prospero Teaching
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Trans Atlas Marathon
Bell & Roue
Miranda Vedral
Insurance Surrey

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